Progress in the self-similar turbulent flame premixed combustion model

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Moreau, Vincent
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This paper is devoted to premixed combustion modeling in turbulent flow. First, we briefly remind the main features of the Self-Similar Turbulent Flame model that was more extensively developed in a former paper. Then, we carefully describe some improvements of the model. The determination of the turbulent flame velocity is based on the observed self-similarity of the turbulent flame and uses the local flame brush width as a fundamental parameter, which must be retrieved. With respect to the former version, we now derive more rigorously how the density variation has to be taken into account in the width retrieving function. We reformulate the diffusion term as a classical flux divergence term. We enforce the compatibility of the model for the limit of weak turbulence. We include a contracting effect of the source term, thus allowing to give a stationary mono-dimensional asymptotic solution with a finite width. We also include in a preliminary form, a stretch factor, which proves to be useful for controlling the flame behavior close to the flame holder and near the walls. The model implementation in the Star-CD CFD code is then tested on three different flame configurations. Finally, we shortly discuss the model improvements and the simulation results.
CFD , turbulent combustion , self-similarity , combustion modeling , premixed combustion