Numerical studies related to the design of the beam target of the energy amplifier prototype

dc.contributor.authorMaciocco, Luca
dc.contributor.authorBellucci, Valter
dc.contributor.authorBuono, Stefano
dc.contributor.authorFotia, Giorgio
dc.contributor.authorMoreau, Vincent
dc.contributor.authorMulas, Marco
dc.contributor.authorSiddi, Giuliana
dc.contributor.authorSorrentino, Luca
dc.description.abstractThe Centre for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia (CRS4) is participating in an Italian R&D program, together with Ansaldo, ENEA and INFN, devoted to the design of a 80 MW prototype of the Energy Amplifier proposed by C. Rubbia et al.. The use of advanced numerical tools has been of practical support in the design of critical elements of the machine such as the fuel element and the beam target. The aim of this work is to show the design and optimization of the Liquid Metal Spallation Target, which consists in an axial-symmetric vertical cylinder, where a Pb-Bi eutectic, in a natural convection driven flow regime, works at the same time as spallation material and coolant for the target and the beam window. The most critical part of the target is the window itself, where the highest temperatures and thermal stresses are reached. The minimization of such temperatures and stresses is the goal of the optimization. The main geometrical dimensions of the target (i.e. beam pipe, beam window and external container) are somehow fixed since they are related to the proton beam distribution and to the EA core design. The optimization therefore acts on the suitable design of the flow guide which separates the hot rising flow from the cold one. In the region where the flow is heated by the proton beam the flow guide has a funnel shape which accelerates the liquid metal. The numerical simulations are performed by using three different tools. The FLUKA Montecarlo code is used to calculate the heat source distribution in the window and in the coolant generated by the interaction with the proton beam. The results of these calculations are used as input data for the thermal fluid dynamic simulations performed with the STAR-CD commercial software. The resulting temperature and pressure fields are finally introduced in the NASTRAN code used for the structural analysis of the solid components.IT
dc.subjectbeam targetIT
dc.subjectliquid metal spallation targetIT
dc.subjectnumerical simulationIT
dc.subjectthermal fluid dynamicsIT
dc.subject.een-cordisEEN CORDIS::FISICA E SCIENZE ESATTE::Fisica::TermodinamicaIT
dc.subject.een-cordisEEN CORDIS::FISICA E SCIENZE ESATTE::Fisica::Fisica dei fluidiIT
dc.subject.een-cordisEEN CORDIS::FISICA E SCIENZE ESATTE::Matematica, statistica::Modellazione matematicaIT
dc.titleNumerical studies related to the design of the beam target of the energy amplifier prototypeIT
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