Development of a non-adiabatic premixed model into the Ares combustion code
Talice, Marco
Mulas, Marco
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The present report somehow represents the summa of the activities which have been carried out during the third and conclusive year of the project. In the necessity of modifying the original goal of the present task, has emerged. In fact, the research work carried out in has shown that the original adiabatic formulation of the TFC model was not sufficient to achieve a qualitatively and quantitatively fair description of the fluid dynamic fields (velocity and temperature) inside a combustion chamber whenever the energy diffusion phenomena cannot be neglected, which is the case in the actual industrial burners. In the same report it was discussed the how the TFC model formulation could be modified in order to take into account the diffusion of thermal energy, and the non adiabatic version of the TFC model available in the code Fluent was tested against the ENSMA experimental combustor test case. The obtained results were such to make advisable to reformulate the original conclusive task of the project in order to implement the non adiabatic version of the TFC model into the codes Ares.
TFC model , Ares code , combustion modeling