CRS4 Scheda progetto
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- Item3D Anatomical Functional Models for the Human Musculoskeletal System(2006-10) Gobbetti, Enrico; MIRALab, University of Geneva-Switzerland-coordinator; Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli-Italy-contractor; University College London-United Kingdom-contractor; INRIA-France-contractor; STAR Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel-Belgium-contractor; Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction, Aalborg University-Denmark-contractor; VRLab, EPFL-Switzerland-contractor; CRS4-Italy-contractorThe objective of this research and training network is to increase the development of technologies and knowledge around virtual representations of human body for interactive medical applications. The network has a specific goal: developing realistic functional 3D models for the human musculoskeletal system, the methodology being demonstrated on the lower limb. CRS4 contributes to the network in the areas of biological soft tissue modeling, visualization, and user interaction.
- ItemA reliable smart and secure Internet of Things for Smart Cities(2013-09-01) Carboni, Davide; University of Surrey-United Kingdom-coordinator; Drustvo za Konsalting, Razvoj i Implementaciji Informacionih i Komunikacionih Tehnologija Duvavnet Doo-Serbia-contractor; University of Melbourne-Australia-contractor; City of Novi Sad-Serbia-contractor; Universitad de Murcia-Spain-contractor; Ayuntamiento de Santander-Spain-contractor; Van Kranenburg Robbert Jan-The Netherlands-contractor; CRS4-Italy-contractor; Commissariat à l´Energie Atomique (CEA)-France-contractor; Universitad de Cantabria-Spain-contractorSOCIOTAL addresses a crucial next step in the transformation of an emerging business driven Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure into an all-inclusive one for the society by accelerating the creation of a socially aware citizen-centric Internet of Things. It will close the emerging gap between business centric IoT enterprise systems and citizen provided infrastructure. SOCIOTAL will establish an IoT eco-system that puts trust, user control and transparency at its heart in order to gain the confidence of everyday users and citizens. By providing adequate socially aware tools and mechanisms that simplify complexity and lower the barriers of entry it will encourage citizen participation in the Internet of Things. This will add a novel and rich dimension to the emerging IoT ecosystem, providing a wealth of opportunities for the creation of new services and applications that address true societal needs and allow the improvement of the quality of life across European cities and communities. SOCIOTAL builds on the foundations of emerging IoT architectures and introduces the following innovative key target outcomes, ensuring that privacy and trust are deeply embedded in the resulting architecture: 1) A governance, trust and reputation framework combining a set of innovative enablers that addresses the challenges of massive crowd-sourced IoT infrastructure 2) A privacy-preserving context-sensitive communication framework for IoT devices with adequate security enablers 3) A detailed understanding of technological and socio-economic barriers for citizen participation in an IoT 4) An intuitive environment inspired by social media tools that provides increased awareness and control and empowers citizens to easily manage access to IoT devices and information, while allowing IoT enabled citizen centric services to be created through open community APIs 5) Services piloted in two cities demonstrating the value of SOCIOTAL to real word communities...
- ItemA virtual studio for security concepts and operations(2013) Gobbetti, Enrico; DIGINEXT-France-coordinator; CNR-Italy-contractor; Immersion SAS-France-contractor; Center for Security Studies-Greece-contractor; CrisisPlan-The Netherlands-contractor; Swedish National Defence College-Sweden-contractor; CRS4-Italy-contractorThe concentration of government buildings within urban environments has become a source of serious security vulnerability. Administrators and security experts face a variety of evolving threats that are hard to anticipate. To secure a government building against multiple threats while maintaining a minimal level of transparency and accessibility requires an integral security approach. It demands interdisciplinary collaboration between different experts from different domains. Currently, there is no efficient method or tool that allows the experts of different stripes to efficiently design, evaluate and implement appropriate security concepts. Existing ones do not allow for the effective creation, analysis, assessment, and sharing of security concepts that will help government administrators provide a secure environment for personnel and citizens.The VASCO project addresses two important objectives. First, it will design, implement and evaluate an innovative IT tool that will enable security professionals and administrators to jointly formulate, test, and adjust security concepts and measures in a virtual environment. This provides a cost-effective and risk- free environment in which to devise an evidence-based, all-risk approach for the protection of government buildings. Second, it will produce a knowledge and best practice database, which captures dynamic and visual reference scenarios created with the VASCO system. To accomplish these aims, the project will adopt an iterative methodology that enables the constant involvement of its world-class security and crisis management experts, assisted by a solid and open user group, during the whole project. It makes use of the latest advances in interactive visualisation, simulation, crisis management, and artificial intelligence to provide end-users with an unprecedented tool that dramatically improves the way in which they collaborate to secure critical government assets both at home and abroad. CRS4, together with ISTI-CNR, will concentrate on techniques for acquisition and exploration of indoor environments.
- ItemAcquisition, Distribution, and Visualization of Complex 3D Models Laboratory(2008-01-01) Gobbetti, Enrico; Sardegna Ricerche-Italy-coordinator; CRS4-Italy-contractorThe projects aims at setting up a laboratory for supporting innovation and technology transfer through demonstration and tutorial activities, as well as through the development of research prototypes. The main focus is 3D acquisitions with laser scanners, storage and distribution of massive 3D models, editing, visualization and 3D printing of such models
- ItemAcquisizione e visualizzazione per beni culturali(2012-07-20) Gobbetti, Enrico; CRS4-Italy-contractorThe "Soprintendenza ai Beni Archologici delle Province di Cagliari e Oristano" and CRS4 commit to a long term scientific and technological research plan on the 3D digitization of the Mont'e Prama statues, aimed at studying and applying innovative methodologies for multiresolution storage, distribution and display. This contract focuses on the first phase of the overall plan, concerning geometric and colorimetric acquisition and surface reconstruction.
- ItemADAPT-BIS Prog. Vision Asse 2 Regione Sardegna(1998-01-07) Carboni, Mario; CRS4-Italy-contractorTesto in fase di caricamento.
- ItemAddestramento del personale Arpas(2012-11-19) Leoni, Lidia; CRS4-Italy-contractorTesto in fase di caricamento.
- ItemAn European Atelier for Engineering and Computational Sciences(2005-01-01) Fotia, Giorgio; Consorzio TCN-Italy-coordinator; CRS4-Italy-contractor; International Centre For Mechanical Sciences (CISM)-Italy-contractor; Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI)-Belgium-contractor; CNR-Italy-contractor; Utrecht University-The Netherlands-contractor; International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)-Spain-contractorThe EUA4X (European Atelier for Engineering and Computational Sciences) Series of Events will provide a well-balanced and focused training program in the field of computational sciences (ECS). ECS are a crucial part of the new century technologies, offering the potential for advance knowledge in a wide range of technical processes and physical phenomena of very high societal interest. This era of unprecedented simulation capability will be made possible by the increased sophistication of physical and mathematical modelling tools combined with the never ending advances in computer technology and information sciences. However, this situation is far from achieved, due to a shortage of multidisciplinary skilled researchers combined with the challenge of complex software development. The enabling technologies are available separately, but the know-how is very dispersed and rarely combined in a multidisciplinary context for the solution of complex problems. EUA4X aims to cure this lack of coherence and shortage of skilled labour force by offering a European wide training environment combining the competences of educational and research institutions with a very wide horizon and experience. A coherent program is offered that tackles both the enabling technologies and a number of important applications. This will be achieved through a well balanced program of 9 formal training courses, as well as 14 application oriented hands-on lecture series and workshops, tackling the above mentioned enabling technologies as well a s a selection of sophisticated applications. To better integrate the young researchers in the professional world of the scientific community, 4 events are planned which are organised as guest events in high-level scientific conferences. To preserve and structure the know-how, strong use will be made of e-learning tools, to make the outcomes of the project available for the development of competences of a larger community during the project and far beyond.
- ItemAn Integrated Environment for Rehearsal And Planning of Surgical Interventions(2000-01-01) Zanetti, Gianluigi; The Victoria University of Mancherster-United Kingdom-coordinator; CRS4-Italy-contractor; Institute of Laryngology and Otology, University College London-United Kingdom-contractor; Virtual Presence Ltd-United Kingdom-contractor; Genias Benelux-The Netherlands-contractor; CS Systemes d'information SA-France-contractor; Dresden University of Technology-Germany-contractor; Università di Pisa (UNIPI)-Italy-contractorIERAPSI provides a novel approach to computerised image-guided surgical planning. The project aims at providing an environment for visualising and interacting with the anatomy and pathology demonstrated by advanced imaging methods and VR techniques. At the same time IERAPSI will allow rehearsal of procedures on an individual patient and the development of training systems based on individual patient's variations in anatomy and pathology.
- ItemAnalisi dati ASAR Idrologia(2002-05-01) Paniconi, Claudio; CRS4-Italy-contractorTesto in fase di caricamento.
- ItemAnalisi di dati di espressione di microRNA e mRNA ottenute da cellule staminali ematopoietiche e loro progenie sia in topi wt che mutanti(2012-02-01) Fotia, Giorgio; CRS4-Italy-contractorTesto in fase di caricamento.
- ItemAnalisi di processi e tracciabilita in campo clinico(2012-11-08) Triunfo, Riccardo; Inpeco SA-Switzerland-contractor; CRS4-Italy-contractorTesto in fase di caricamento.
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- ItemAttività modellistica per la quantificazione della pericolosità di propagazione degli incendi boschivi in condizioni metereologiche estreme(2013-05-08) Massidda, LucaTesto in fase di caricamento.
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- ItemBuilding Capacity for a Black Sea Catchment Observation and Assessment System supporting Sustainable Development(2009-04-01) Cau, Pierluigi; Université de Geneve-Switzerland-coordinator; CRS4-Italy-contractor; Saint Petersburg State University-; Universitatea tehnica Cluj-Napoca-Romania-contractor; Saint Petersburg State University (SPSU)-Russian Federation-contractor; Black Sea Regional Energy Centre-Bulgaria-contractor; Molitopol State Pedagogical University-Ukraine-contractor; A.O. Kovalevskiy Institute of Biology of southern Seas-Ukraine-contractor; Istanbul Teknik Universitesi-Turkey-contractor; Institutul de Geografie-Romania-contractor; Arxit Consulting-Switzerland-contractor; Cevre ve orman Bakanligi-Turkiye Cumhuriyeti-Turkey-contractor; Universitad de Malaga-Spain-contractor; Ukrainian Scientific and research Institute of ecological problems-Ukraine-contractor; International Commission for the protection of the Danube River-Austria-contractor; Tauride national V.I. Vernadsky University-Ukraine-contractor; Vituki Kornyezetvedelmi es Vizgazdakodasi kutato intezet nonprofit Kozhasznu korlatolt felelossegu Tarsasag-Hungary-contractor; Czech Center for Science and Society-Czech Republic-contractor; Danube Delta National Institute-Romania-contractor; National Institute of hydrology and water management-Romania-contractor; Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona-Spain-contractor; Nationa Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences-Bulgaria-contractor; Permanent secretariat of the commission on the protection of the Blacksea against pollution-Turkey-contractor; Danube Hydrometeorological observatory of State-Ukraine-contractor; CERN-Switzerland-contractor; UNESCO-France-contractor; Antea Belgium NV-Belgium-contractor; EAWAG Aquatic research-Switzerland-contractor; Central European University (CEA)-Hungary-contractor; Gis and RS Consulting Center Geographics-Georgia-contractor; Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University-Ukraine-contractorÈ riconosciuto internazionalmente come l'area geografica del Mar Nero abbia avuto uno sviluppo ambientale insostenibile e inadeguato rispetto alle potenzialità dei propri territori con gravi ripercussioni sul comparto ecologico e più in generale sulle risorse naturali, causando depauperamento delle risorse suolo e acqua, perdita di biodiversità, problemi sociali ed economici. EnviroGRIDS mira a sviluppare capacità tecnico-scientifiche ad alto valore aggiunto nella regione del Mar Nero attraverso l'uso di strumenti tecnologici e dell'ICT al fine di raccogliere, archiviare, distribuire, analizzare, visualizzare e diffondere le informazioni cruciali sul passato, presente e futuro. L'obiettivo è valutare, tramite l'uso di una filiera di modelli numerici allo stato dell'arte, la sostenibilità e la vulnerabilità del suolo e delle risorse idriche presenti nella regione. Per conseguire i suoi obiettivi, EnviroGRIDS costruirà una infrastruttura Grid-enabled di dati spaziali (GSDI), diventando uno dei sistemi del Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS), e compatibile con la nuova direttiva UE INSPIRE per le infrastrutture di dati geografici.
- ItemCAGLIARI 2020 Progetto di Formazione(2013-01-01) Casari, Carlino; Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN)-Italy-contractor; CRS4-Italy-contractorCAGLIARI2020_Formazione fsi occuperà di formare esperti in ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) e infomobilità, offrendo ai discenti (studenti di dottorati di ricerca, ricercatori, personale delle PMI, funzionari della Pubblica Amministrazione, ecc.) conoscenze e competenze su sistemi di trasporto e tecnologie ICT, partendo dai concetti generali fino a toccare gli aspetti più specialistici. In particolare, si formeranno esperti in sistemi ITS e infomobilità, management del traffico e dei sistemi avanzati di trasporto a basso consumo energetico e nel rispetto dell’ambiente.
- ItemCentral Design Team for a fast-spectrum transmutation experimental facility(2009-04-01) Moreau, Vincent; SCK-CEN-Belgium-coordinator; CRS4-Italy-contractor; Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group (NRG)-The Netherlands-contractor; CIEMAT-Spain-contractor; CNRS-France-contractor; ENEA-Italy-contractor; Universitad Politecnica de Valencia-Spain-contractor; Universitad Politecnica de Madrid; AREVA NP SAS-France-contractor; KIT-Germany-contractor; NUTRECK-Republic of Korea-contractor; ITN-Portugal-contractor; Empresarios Agrupados Internacional-Spain-contractor; Oxford Technologies Limited-United Kingdom-contractor; SENES Ingegneria y sistemas SA-Spain-contractor; Forschungszentrum Dresden Rossendorf EV-Germany-contractor; Japan Atomic Energy Agency-Japan-contractor; Del Fungo Giera Energia Spa-Italy-contractor; Adaptive Predictive Expert Control Adex SL-Spain-contractor; Ansaldo Nucleare Spa-Italy-contractorBesides the European Global Energy Policy, the European Council adopted an action plan that covers nuclear technologies and supports research in order to "further improve nuclear safety and the management of radioactive waste". To obtain a more efficient and sustainable management of radioactive waste and hence reduce the burden on geological storage, one can apply partitioning and transmutation independently of future commitment or not to nuclear energy. Within European Union many R&D organisations and industries are conducting since a decade strong R&D in the Partitioning &Transmutation (P&T) field with substantial support from the European Commission. Fostering the European efforts towards a major facility realisation would be very beneficial. This will speed up the development and put Europe at lead in this field. The design of a fast spectrum transmutation experimental facility (FASTEF), able to demonstrate efficient transmutation and associated technology through a system working in subcritical mode (ADS) and/or critical mode, is thus the next step after FP6 IP-EUROTRANS. In the vision report of the "Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technological Platform", the need was clearly expressed for a fast-spectrum experimental system to support the development and demonstration of an alternative technology to sodium. Therefore, FASTEF is proposed to be designed to an advanced level for decision to embark for its construction at the horizon of 2012 with the following objectives: to demonstrate the ADS technology and the efficient transmutation of high level waste; to operate as a flexible irradiation facility; to contribute to the demonstration of the Lead Fast Reactor technology without jeopardising the above objectives.
- ItemCentro Ricerche Fiat 99(1999-04-01) D'Aguanno, Bruno; CRS4-Italy-contractorTesto in fase di caricamento.
- ItemChimica per lo sviluppo sostenibile(2008-10-13) Cao, Giacomo; CRS4-Italy-contractorTesto in fase di caricamento.