Layered point clouds: a simple and efficient multiresolution structure for distributing and rendering gigantic point-sampled models

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Gobbetti, Enrico
Marton, Fabio
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We recently introduced an efficient multiresolution structure for distributing and rendering very large point sampled models on consumer graphics platforms [1]. The structure is based on a hierarchy of precomputed object-space point clouds, that are combined coarse-to-fine at rendering time to locally adapt sample densities according to the projected size in the image. The progressive block based refinement nature of the rendering traversal exploits on-board caching and object based rendering APIs, hides out-of-core data access latency through speculative prefetching, and lends itself well to incorporate backface, view frustum, and occlusion culling, as well as compression and view-dependent progressive transmission. The resulting system allows rendering of complex out-of-core models at high frame rates (over 60 M rendered points/second), supports network streaming, and is fundamentally simple to implement. We demonstrate the efficiency of the approach on a number of very large models, stored on local disks or accessed through a consumer level broadband network, including a massive 234 M samples isosurface generated by a compressible turbulence simulation and a 167 M samples model of Michelangelo's St. Matthew. Many of the details of our framework were presented in a previous study. We here provide a more thorough exposition, but also significant new material, including the presentation of a higher quality bottom-up construction method and additional qualitative and quantitative results.
Preprint submitted to Elsevier Science
point-based graphics , large datasets , out-of-core algorithms , level-of-detail