CRS4 Contributo a convegno
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- ItemA medical volume visualization system supporting head-tracked stereoscopic viewing and direct 3D interaction(1997) Zorcolo, Antonio; Pili, Piero; Gobbetti, EnricoWe have developed an experimental medical volume visualization system supporting head-tracked stereoscopic viewing registered with direct 3D interaction. Our aim is to assess the suitability of these techniques for surgical planning tasks in real medical settings. In particular, vascular surgeons examining the distal site of the aneurysmatic sack are assisted by visualizing the artery aneurysm in depth. A better understanding of such complex spatial structures is achieved by incorporatingmotion parallax and stereoscopic cues to depth perception not available from static images. Our display when positioned as a surgical table provides theimpression of looking down at the patient in a naturalistic way. With simple head motions, good positions for observing the pathology are quickly established.
- ItemA virtual reality cookbook. Tutorial notes(1993-06) Balaguer, Jean-Francis; Gobbetti, EnricoThis file contains the handouts of a half day tutorial that was given at the Computer Graphics International Conference held in Lausanne in 1993.
- ItemAerogeneratori: un semplice tool GFOSS(2009) Minelli, A.; Marchesini, Ivan; De Rosa, P.; Casagrande, L.; Cenci, M.; Martini, E.Alcune pubbliche amministrazioni devono frequentemente stimare l'impatto ambientale di un singolo o di un gruppo di aerogeneratori che sono stati progettati/proposti per una ben definita regione. In tal caso è necessario sia considerare l'impatto visivo di ogni singolo impianto anche in relazione all'intero campo visivo di un individuo, sia simulare la presenza degli impianti sul territorio. Il tool presentato è stato ed è sviluppato per consentire una preliminare e veloce stima dei principali impatti ambientali degli aerogeneratori. Il tool è stato sviluppato, al momento, su GRASS ma si progetta di portarlo sul web.
- ItemAn Update on the Seal Hadoop-based Sequencing Processing Toolbox(2013-07-20) Pireddu, Luca; Leo, Simone; Zanetti, GianluigiContributed presentation to the 14th Bioinformatics Open Source Conference.
- ItemAnalisi di fabric in archeologia: proposta di un metodo per la raccolta e l'elaborazione dei dati mediante GRASS, PostGIS ed R(2009) Francisci, DenisL'analisi di fabric (o dell'assetto spaziale) delle componenti di un deposito archeologico consiste, in termini generali, nella misurazione dell'orientamento di ogni singola componente rispetto ad un sistema di riferimento dato. Nello specifico: considerati 'a', 'b' e 'c', gli assi maggiore, intermedio e minore di ogni singola componente (pietra, tegola, frammento ceramico, etc.), l'analisi di fabric misura l'angolo di direzione (“bearing”) e di inclinazione (“plunge”) del piano individuato dagli assi 'a' e 'b'; i due parametri possono essere calcolati avendo come riferimento l'asse 'a' o l'asse 'c' (fabric “sedimentologico”), oppure avendo come riferimento “l'asse di immersione”, cioè il vettore risultante dalla somma degli assi 'a' e 'b' (fabric “archeologico”). Questi dati, elaborati con appropriati metodi statistici, permettono di giungere alla costruzione di modelli comparativi di assetto spaziale applicabili a diversi contesti deposizionali; mediante il confronto tra i diversi modelli è possibile avanzare delle ipotesi su origine, cause e dinamiche che hanno prodotto un determinato contesto archeologico. Lo studio di fabric rappresenta un metodo di analisi ampiamente utilizzato in campo geologico e sedimentologico; in ambito archeologico è stato sperimentato già a partire dagli anni '60 del XX secolo, trovando, soprattutto all'estero, una più ampia applicazione negli ultimi 15-20 anni, anche se quasi esclusivamente in contesti di epoca paleolitica. Nell'archeologia non preistorica il metodo non ha mai trovato ampia diffusione: tra i vari motivi vi è sicuramente la sproporzione tra i considerevoli tempi necessari all'analisi e l'effettivo valore dei risultati prodotti, sproporzione determinata principalmente dall'assenza di un metodo veloce nella raccolta dei dati e dalla mancanza di modelli di confronto per i risultati raggiunti. L'obiettivo del presente contributo è quello di colmare, almeno in parte, tali lacune: in questa sede, infatti, si intende proporre un metodo che consenta la raccolta rapida, l'elaborazione precisa e la visualizzazione efficace dei dati di fabric riducendo al minimo i tempi sul campo ed automatizzando il lavoro nella fase di post-scavo. Maggiore è il tempo risparmiato maggiori potranno essere i contesti analizzati; più numerosi saranno i contesti analizzati più ampia e variegata sarà la casistica dei modelli con cui confrontare l'assetto spaziale di altri depositi. A tale scopo si è ritenuto opportuno utilizzare una combinazione di software tra loro integrabili e funzionali da un lato alle analisi spaziali dall'altro alle elaborazioni statistiche: PostgreSQL-PostGIS e GRASS per la gestione e l'elaborazione del dato spaziale, ParaView per la visualizzazione tridimensionale delle componenti analizzate ed R per i calcoli statistici finali. Trattandosi di strumenti liberi ed aperti essi permettono ad altri utenti non solo di poter replicare il metodo in qualsiasi contesto, ma anche di controllare l'intero processo di elaborazione, correggendolo, integrandolo e migliorandolo. Il metodo qui proposto non è definitivo, ma in continua evoluzione: di conseguenza, questa presentazione vuole essere anche e soprattutto un'occasione per trovare aiuto, consiglio e collaborazione al fine di un miglioramento del metodo stesso.
- ItemAutomated moving mesh techniques in CFD. Application to fluid-structure interactions and rigid motions problems(2012-04-11) Profir, Maria ManuelaIn the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation codes, the physical domain is divided into a finite number of small control volumes, corresponding to the cells of a computational grid, where discrete versions of the integral form of the continuum transport equations are applied. For the simulation of the moving meshes (fluids or solids), we employ specific morphing techniques combined with rigid motions. Since morphing strategies can easily lead to poor quality cells, it becomes important to keep under control the topological deformations that can take place both into the surface mesh and into the volume cells, by means of specific mesh quality metrics and re-meshing procedures. The work done in getting the control of the morphing/re-meshing techniques in order to use them in applications that principally treat with fluid-structure interactions and rigid bodies motions is here presented. In such applications, when local deformations of surfaces occur, bad topological effects like warped, twisted or self-intersected faces can easily lead to the appearance of negative volume cells, determining the simulation to stop running. We give a demonstration of how various morphing techniques have been applied to simulations that especially treat with structural and moving parts, in particular, in cases where the deformations arise from considerations related to solid displacements and stresses (pipe's walls vibrations) or to rigid body motions (translations). Surface boundary mesh extraction and CAD geometry updating strategies to avoid mesh degeneration are investigated and developed. Java programming is employed for the automation of the re-meshing procedures.
- ItemBasic set of equations for high density ratio free surface flow in the VOF framework(2012-02) Moreau, VincentPresentation made at the workshop.
- ItemBig Data processing with Hadoop(2012-04-18) Pireddu, LucaIn this seminar, we explore the Hadoop MapReduce framework and its use to solve certain types of Big Data problems. These problems, characterized by their large data set sizes, are becoming more commonplace as data acquisition rates increase in many fields of study and business, luring people by the prospects of increased analysis sensitivity. However, by definition Big Data problems are not tractable when using commonly available software and computing systems, such as the desktop workstation. As a result, they require specialized solutions that are designed to handle large quantities of data and scale across large, possibly cheap, computing infrastructure. Hadoop provides relatively low cost access to such solutions by implementing distributed computation and robustness as integral features that, therefore, do not have to be reimplemented by the application developer. Moreover, in addition to its native Java API, it also provides a high-level Python API developed right here at CRS4. As a concrete example of a Big Data solution, we briefly look at the Seal suite of distributed tools for processing high-throughput DNA sequencing data, currently used by the CRS4 Sequencing and Genotyping Platform. Finally, we discuss how Hadoop may be applied to your own Big Data problems.
- ItemCFD Analysis of a MILD Low-Nox burner for the Oil and Gas industry(2012-05) Atzori, AlessandroWithin the Industria 2015 Energy Efficiency Call of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development the Process Engineering and Combustion Group (PEC) at CRS4 is performing the CFD analysis of a MILD Low-Nox burner for the Oil and Gas industry (30 MWth). Our aim is to replicate the rig experiment by numerical simulation to have the control of the driving parameters that affect the combustion process in the entire boiler. The manufacturer tested the burner at Gioia del Colle (Italy) and reported data when operating at maximum load. We exploited the power of STAR-CCM+ to investigate the process. At first we run a non-reacting simulation. Results showed a supercritical throttling of the fuel at the injection in the flue recirculation system. We loaded then the combustion, radiation and heat transfer modules of STAR-CCM+. We calculated the reacting flow solution. Flow features within the combustion chamber and the heat transfer at the walls were estimated. Our results show that STAR-CCM+ is capable to give a detailed description of the process.
- ItemEC4GPS: un sistema collaborativo per la distribuzione di dati GPS/DGPS e la valutazione dell'accuratezza dei sensori(2009) Brovelli, Maria Antonia; Tran Tho, Ha; Nguyen Thi Thanh, ThuyProposito del sistema sviluppato è quello di offrire un ambiente collaborativo internetGIS nel quale le persone possano condividere e valutare l'accuratezza delle osservazioni GPS raccolte. Negli ultimi anni e sempre più ora, molte persone utilizzano la tecnologia GPS per la loro localizzazione o per georeferenziare entità e fenomeni. Sfortunatamente nella gran parte dei casi, si hanno poche o nessuna informazione riguardo all'accuratezza delle misure eseguite. Il sistema è stato sviluppato in modo tale che, grazie a un'interfaccia web, degli utenti esperti possono distribuire dati DGPS caratterizzati da un'elevata accuratezza. Tali dati corrispondono a posizioni di punti o di percorsi (punti di controllo e campi di calibrazione) e hanno un'accuratezza dell'ordine di pochi centimetri (le misure sono eseguite in modalità differenziale con ricevitori GPS geodetici). Tali dati sono considerati come riferimento (“verità a terra”) dal sistema. Gli utenti comuni potranno avere quindi una valutazione dell'accuratezza dei ricevitori di basso livello di cui dispongono semplicemente effettuando misure negli stessi punti o lungo gli stessi percorsi misurati dagli utenti esperti. L' elaborazione automatica da parte del sistema di tali misure GPS porterà ad un indice di qualità del ricevitore. Per la presentazione del dato e dei calcoli, alcune carte interattive vengono dinamicamente generate. Inoltre il sistema archivia le accuratezze dei vari ricevitori in modo tale da poter poi avere statistiche generali sui singoli prodotti. Gli utenti possono caricare nel sistema dati in formato NMEA e GPX. La combinazione di PostgreSQL, PostGIS e PHP MapScript crea un meccanismo di produzione interattivo delle carte per presentare dinamicamente i dati GPS. OpenLayers è utilizzato come una delle componenti chiave per l'interfaccia web. Il sistema inoltre utilizza Google map come background robusto nel caso non siano disponibili altre informazioni cartografiche nella zona di interesse. Il software è installato su un server del Politecnico di Milano – Campus Como- Italia (
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- ItemFast and Robust Techniques for 3D/2D Registration and Blending of Photographs on Massive Point Clouds(2012-03) Pintus, RuggeroWe present a simple, fast and robust technique for semi-automatic 2D-3D registration capable to align a large set of unordered images to a massive point cloud with minimal human effort. Our method converts the hard to solve image-to-geometry registration problem in a Structure-from-Motion (SfM) plus a 3D-3D registration problem. We exploit a SfM framework that, starting just from the unordered image collection, computes an estimate of camera parameters and a sparse 3D geometry deriving from matched image features. We then coarsely register this model to the given 3D geometry by estimating a global scale and absolute orientation using minimal manual intervention. A specialized sparse bundle adjustment (SBA) step, exploiting the correspondence between the model deriving from image features and the fine input 3D geometry, is then used to refine intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of each camera. Output data is suitable for photo blending frameworks to produce seamless colored models. In this sense, we also present an efficient scalable streaming technique for mapping highly detailed color information on extremely dense point clouds. It does not require meshing or extensive processing of the input model, works on a coarsely spatially-reordered point stream and can adaptively refine point cloud geometry on the basis of image content. Seamless multi-band image blending is obtained by using GPU accelerated screenspace operators, which solve point set visibility, compute a per-pixel view-dependent weight and ensure a smooth weighting function over each input image. The proposed approach works independently on each image in a memory coherent manner, and can be easily extended to include further image quality estimators. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated on a series of real-world Cultural Heritage datasets.
- ItemFree surface and splashing simulation of a windowless target concept for ESS(2011-05-03) Massidda, Luca; Moreau, Vincent; Class, AndreasThe international collaboration for the future European Spallation Source (ESS) required the formation of a Target Station Concept Selection (TSCS) working group, with the task to re-evaluate the potential target concepts, moving away from the short pulse experiences of the last decade, and re-considering many of the concepts already studied in the past. The main targetry concern for recent pulsed spallation neutron sources (ESS, SNS, JSNS) focused on the effects and mitigation of the pressure wave caused by the quasi-instantaneous deposition of large amounts of energy in a few litres of Hg. In ESS, a long pulse solution was chosen to mitigate these effects, the 2 mA spallation beam at 2.5 GeV is pulsed with a repetition rate of 16,67Hz and a pulse length 2ms. The spallation target must dissipate about 2.8MWth within a relatively short space (with a conservative 56\% thermal efficiency). In the PDS-XADS FP5 project, a windowless channel like target has already been dimensioned and simulated for a relatively similar proton beam: 2.4 MWth, 5 mA and 600 MeV. In the framework of this project, the spallation target was conceived by Ansaldo and developed mainly by CRS4 and ENEA. Starting from this concept we investigated the feasibility of a windowless design for the ESS conditions, by scaling PDS-XADS design for the ESS beam properties and relaxing the constraints of the 2003 design. We focused on the numerical simulation of the flow to verify the stability of the free surface, the thermohydraulic performance of Hg and LBE, and the response to dynamic pulses. At the same time KIT investigated the possibility to fit a windowless target concept within the design limits of the target station and accelerator and developed the WITA concept. The CFD simulations we present have been successfully completed thanks to the use of a specific surface sharpening algorithm, developed in the framework of the THINS FP7 project, and lacking the usual rigidifying defect of common sharpening algorithms. The dynamic effects of proton beam deposition on the free surface windowless target are then investigated numerically with a smoothed particle hydrodynamic simulation through a specifically developed code, allowing to identify the pressure waves in the liquid and estimate the splashing phenomena at the free surface.
- ItemGestures and Interaction: exploiting natural abilities in the design of interactive systems(2012-06-06) Soro, AlessandroThis talk explores the role of gestures in computer supported collaboration. People make extensive use of non-verbal forms of communication when they interact with each other in everyday life: of these, gestures are relatively easy to observe and quantify. However, the role of gestures in human computer interaction so far has been focused mainly on using conventional signs like visible commands, rather than on exploiting all nuances of such natural human skill. We propose a perspective on natural interaction that builds on recent advances in tangible interaction, embodiment and computer supported collaborative work. We consider the social and cognitive aspects of gestures and manipulations to support our claim of a primacy of tangible and multi-touch interfaces, and describe our experiences focused on assessing the suitability of such interface paradigms to traditional application scenarios.
- ItemGoing Beyond Google Translate?(2011-09-15) Chessa, Francesca; Brelstaff, GavinWe motivate and describe the design and implementation of a web-based system for the alignment of parallel texts. It builds on the interactive color-highlight interface now deployed at Google Translate. By a series of simple point and click operations translators can mark up equivalent text-ranges in their own translation and in the original. When successful, the visual cues created by this activity should benefit the understanding of readers of limited degrees of bilingualism -- and may also capture aspects of semantic context not readily available to algorithmic statistical machine translation. We provide a working demonstration that treats poetic texts.
- ItemHardware-accelerated dynamic volume rendering for real-time surgical simulation(2004-09) Agus, Marco; Giachetti, Andrea; Gobbetti, Enrico; Zanetti, Gianluigi; Zorcolo, AntonioWe developed a direct volume rendering technique, that supports low latency real time visual feedback in parallel with physical simulation on commodity graphics platforms. In our approach, a fast approximation of the diffuse shading equation is computed on the fly by the graphics pipe-line directly from the scalar data. We do this by exploiting the possibilities offered by multi-texturing with the register combiner OpenGL extension, that provides a configurable means to determine per-pixel fragment coloring. The effectiveness of our approach, that supports a full decoupling of simulation and rendering, is demonstrated in a training system for temporal bone surgery.
- ItemHealthcare process management in Python: a use case(2011-07-14) Caboni, FedericoIn this talk I'll describe our successful experience in introducing Python into a system for blood collection tube labeling in laboratory and hospital environments, based on IHE Technical Frameworks –the industry standard for modeling and streamlining healthcare processes– and designed to avoid human errors and ensure process traceability. During the talk I will explain why we chose Python in the first place, how we've been able to leverage the language's features and characteristics for our specific field and what problems and limitations we faced. I will show specific instances of Python usage in different parts of the project, including a low-level driver for laboratory automation machinery, an asynchronous messaging module, the implementation of IHE-compliant actors and the inevitable end-user web application, implemented with Django. Using Python greatly helped us in building our system, allowing very rapid prototyping cycles for both hardware and software, but during the talk I'll also point out what we found was missing, and what would be nice to have to ensure Python has its proper place as a viable platform for designing streamlined healthcare workflows based on established international standards.
- ItemIl calcolo su larga scala. Dall'analisi dei dati genetici all'analisi del web(2011-10-13) Pireddu, Luca
- ItemIl punto sulle attività dell’associazione Cavallini, Paolo; Giacomelli, Andrea
- ItemIl software libero e il GIS(2009) Concas, Giulio
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